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Every year, MAPS supports and takes part in many community events, including:

White Ribbon Day Campaign

Part of an international human rights campaign, the White Ribbon Day Campaign invites men and boys to speak out against violence against women and all gender-based violence.

On the first Thursday of March, men and boys in Massachusetts commit to doing their part to:

  • change social attitudes that perpetuate and excuse violence against women;
  • promote safety and respect in all relationships and situations;
  • build a support network and contribute to Jane Doe Inc. efforts to promote safety, freedom and the dignity of survivors.

Immigrants Day at the State House

This is a day dedicated to the immigrant communities of Massachusetts, who come together at the State House in April to advocate for immigrant rights and legislation, celebrate their cultures and to highlight the importance and many contributions of immigrants to American society and culture.

The event is put together by MIRA – Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition.

Click here to learn more.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

In the USA, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The goal of this campaign is to inform and educate communities about sexual assault prevention.

Click here to learn more.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is dedicated to this issue, and the goal of the campaign is to shine a light on the causes of domestic violence and to educate the community about domestic violence prevention.

During this month, MAPS hosts many activities and exhibits in its offices.

Click here to learn more.

World AIDS Day

This event takes place on December 1st, and it’s an opportunity for people around the world to come together in the fight against HIV, to show their support por people living with HIV, and to celebrate the lives of those who passed away. This was the first global health event, and it takes place since 1988.

MAPS commemorates the occasion with several activities and events in all of its locations.

Click here to learn more.

Community Festivals

Boston Portuguese Festival

The Boston Portuguese Festival aims at contributing to the dissemination of the Portuguese culture and heritage in the capital city of Massachusetts, combining its contributions of the past with its contemporary manifestations.

The festival has a series of events that take place from March to June.

Click here to learn more.

Cabo Verde Independence Day Festival

This annual festival, taking place on July 4 and 5 at Boston City Hall Plaza, celebrates Cabo Verde’s independence and is attended by many community members and organizations, who come together to celebrate Cape Verdean culture, music, cuisine and traditions. The festival is organized by CVC Unido.

Click here to learm more.

Brazilian Festival in Boston

This festival, held annually between September 5 and 10, is organized by the Brazilian Women’s Group, and features children’s activities, information tables, arts and crafts, ethnic food, live Brazilian music, and many other attractions.

Click here to learn more.